Dale Cozort’s Alternate History Newsletter Volume 2: Number 4 --- July 1999
(Three time winner of the clear cut award) |
Table Of Contents:
Subject(s) |
What Is This? |
A special reviews and fiction edition of the Newsletter. |
Book Review Section |
Alternate History and History reviews from assorted time-lines. |
This sequel to Islands In The Sea of Time is entertaining and well written, but not quite as much a must read as "Islands" |
This excellent book by Phillip Jose Farmer is borderline AH. If you didn’t read it when it was new, it’s worth looking for. |
Dr Rittenhouse looks at the French invasion and conquest of Mexico in the late 1500’s. |
In the 1700 and 1800’s, the Choctaw were one of the three most powerful tribes of the US Southeast. Fifty years earlier, there was no such thing as a Choctaw people. |
A good history of the US league of nations mandates, which goes beyond the evidence by claiming that those mandates postponed another European war and the Great Burning by five or six years. |
An ex-Soviet scientist who worked in the Soviet biowar program claims that the Soviets used biological warfare against the Germans in the summer of 1942 and has been improving its array of weapons ever since. |
The French designed a mobile army, including armored divisions, and tried to beat the Germans at their own game in Belgium. They might have been better off cowering behind the Maginot line. |
The French weren’t the only ones who built elaborate and expensive fortified lines before World War II. This book looks at the German, Czech, Polish, Italian, and Russian answers to the Maginot line. |
Bicycles have played a surprisingly major role in every war since they became practical. The author traces that role from the Boer War, through the World Wars, to Vietnam. |
Fiction Section |
Excerpts from various fiction projects I’m working on. |
The first chapter of a novel which weaves together several oversized short stories I’ve been working on. POD people have seen earlier versions of most of this, but the revisions are substantial. |
The first chapter of my first attempt at a story set in my Quarantine time-line. Still very rough and subject to revision. |
Freedom (part 2) (POD only) |
The Wickes brothers just want the world to leave them alone. An Exchange may make that possible. |
The BEMs (part 2) (POD only) |
I left a damsel in way too much distress last issue. This brief excerpt starts to get her out of it. |
I comment on previous issues of POD and brainstorm for new AH ideas. |
Various Authors |
A consolidated response to various comments on disease and American Indian history.
Robert Alley |
Dale Cozort |
David Johnson |
Wesley Kawato |
Craig Neumier |
Jim Rittenhouse |
Rich Rostrum |
What Is This?
This is a special reviews and fiction edition of my newsletter. I’m gritting my teeth and refraining from writing new scenarios (well, except for a couple of mini-scenarios in the comments section). This issue will consist only of the obligatory feedback to POD members, reviews, and fiction. Fair warning: at least one of the books reviewed may appear to be, well, from a different time-line. In at least one other case, the book reviewed is from our time-line, but the reviewer may not be.
POD members shouldn’t have too much trouble separating most of the other-time-line reviews from the ones that you can really find at your local bookseller, but one or two of them might leave you wondering. Feel free to consider this a challenge and see if you can spot all of the alternate time-line reviews, and all of the alternate time-line reviewers. If you want to take the challenge, feel free to include that in your comments, or e-mail me if you want more immediate feedback. I'll let you know if you were right next issue, or respond by e-mail if you prefer that.
Click to send me feedback on the alternate history reviews, stories or POD feedback.