Review By: Dale Cozort

It is 1932. Stalin has been assassinated. The Red Army has taken over and launched a massive military buildup. In late 1932, the Red Napoleon does a tricky mobilization that makes the Russian Army temporarily the largest in the world. On January 2, 1933, the Red Army moves west. It smashes Poland and its Little Entente allies, then destroys a right-wing German militia that tries to stop it on the Poland/German border. The rest of Germany goes Communist. The rest of the European nations cower within their borders, except for one. Mussolini leads fascist Italy's army out to do battle. He dies an honorable death, then Italy falls apart. The other European countries fall one-by-one, with France putting up a major fight, but losing. The Red Napoleon controls all of Europe and masses his forces against England and Japan. Both countries fall from within, with local socialists siding with the Communists and opening their countries up to invasions. That leaves the United States, and with all of the resources of continental Europe, England, and Japan at his command, the Red Napoleon invades the United States. I'll leave a little suspense about what happen then, in case anyone finds a copy and reads the book.

The book is very well written, and reflects the fears of its day. It drastically overestimates the Soviet army of the early 1930's. It also overestimates the strength of ties between Soviet communists and Japanese and English socialists, as well as the power of those socialists. The fascists come off as good guys, which dates the book a bit. The Red Napoleon himself is a very good villain, very human and very well drawn. Return Alternate History Page