Brainstorming Scenarios

Scenario Seeds

Ideas that may become scenarios

By: Dale R. Cozort


It's Been Quiet Around Here

Japanese Invade Hawaii?

Mars Looks Different

Scenario Seeds

Best of the Comment Section

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1) What if someone like Robert MacNamara had been in charge of the US Defense Department at the start of World War II? 

2) What if the first Shah of Iran had been able to maneuver politically well enough to avoid the Anglo-Soviet invasion of August 1941?  Historically he had no idea how seriously the British and Soviets were contemplating an invasion because his advisers were unwilling to pass bad news up the chain of command.  The issues that led to the invasion were probably resolvable had the Shah known that they were grounds for an invasion.

3) The Soviets appear to have been building up for a possible invasion of Iran before the German invasion.  What if the Soviets had invaded Iran in early June 1941?

4) What if the Japanese had designed and used their subs for commerce-raiding instead of for attacking warships?  That would have run contrary to a lot of national instincts, but it could have made life much more difficult for the Allies in the early part of World War II.  Add a Battle of the Pacific, and maybe a Battle of the Indian Ocean against Japanese subs to the Battle of the Atlantic and Allied shipping and escorts would be stretched very thin.  The Japanese also had the potential for commerce raiding by surface vessels to a greater extent than the Germans did.

5) What if somehow conditions around the Bering Strait kept humans out of the New World significantly longer than they did?  I know that's been brought up a time or two before, but I'm visualizing a very late entry.  Historically Eskimo/Aleut technology got good enough at some point that it would have been difficult to keep them out.  If developments happened at the historic pace Eskimos would have eventually gotten across given most reasonable sets of conditions.  Let's say the first humans to reach the New World get here approximately 500 BC.  They are specialized Arctic fishermen, seal hunters, and whalers.  How long does it take for them to adapt to the various ecologies of the New World? Do the megafauna survive?  Are they even still around when the first humans get here?

6) Here's an odd-ball thought: What if the early Spanish settlers had brought Barbary Apes (a kind of Macaque that lives semi-wild on Gibraltar) to Mexico as pets?  Would they have gone feral?  Would they have done a “rabbits in Australia” act, spreading and becoming pests?  What impact if any would they have on New World monkeys?  How far north would they be able to spread?


Comments are very welcome. 

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Copyright 2005 By Dale R. Cozort

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